Thursday, 8 January 2015

Ali's 60th birthday

Ali isn't here to see it, but the 60th anniversary of her birth cannot pass unobserved.

Many recognised that Ali was "one in a million" - though perhaps "one in a billion" might be more accurate. The soundtrack of The Christians' "One in a Million" accompanies the YouTube slideshow (above or here), showing Ali in each of the decades of her life.  I have memories of listening to The Christians' album, from which the track is taken, on a number of long car journeys with Ali.

There is not enough time, within the space of a song, to show the range of interests and the many friends Ali had during her life. This is merely a snapshot of some aspects of her life. But even from the first photo of Ali as a baby, the warmth of her smile, and her joy and love shine through - often masking serious difficulties she was experiencing in her life.

When Ali was born her parents were encouraged to leave her in the hospital and "go home and have another."  Thankfully, they refused.  Ali's life demonstrates that human beings should never be "written off"and that the richness of a life does not depend upon the ease with which it is lived.

Like many, I remember Ali with much love and gratitude.  She was more than "one in a million."

At Covent Garden on Ali's 50th birthday (8 January 2005) to see the ballet Cinderella


  1. Many thanks for this record of beautiful pictures of a beautiful woman with some wonderful family and friends.

  2. Lovely memoir for today. Happy Birthday. Ali! I love the choice of song too which I hadn't heard before.

  3. Thanks, Colin, for such a wonderful slide show with great music to mark Ali's 60th birthday date - it helped me to remember many happy times spent with Ali, days filled with laughter and thoughtful conversation. Her love of life shines through and I miss her so much. Thinking of you on this special day - much love from Penny xxx

  4. Thank you Colin, what a beautiful dedication to our sweet beloved Ali, brings me to tears. I can imagine God's Angel's singing Happy Birthday to her. I miss her so very much - thanks for keeping her memory alive.
